In the laid-back groove of '54 and More', the smooth vocals of Lyra, Zara, and Freya intertwine with the nostalgic echoes of Studio 54's glittering past. Written by the enigmatic Rick Dean, the song is a time machine to the disco era, where the nights were long, and the dance floor was a canvas of bodies moving in sync. With a chorus that beckons you to join in, "Here we go, back to back, dropping down real low," it's an irresistible call to let loose and relive the moments "this is what we came here for." The track spins a tale of carefree revelry, a tribute to the days when disco balls ruled the night, and the music was a passport to a world of endless possibilities. It's a modern homage to the beats that once had Studio 54 pulsating with life, capturing the essence of an era where every night was a celebration of freedom and rhythm. So, grab your dancing shoes, and let '54 and More' transport you to a time where the party never ended, and the memories were as bright as the lights on the dance floor.


54 And More - from Over The Top Productions.

Over The Top Productions is Rick Dean.
The writer, musician, arranger, producer, orchestrator, programmer, sampler, computer operator, IT expert, AI implementer, etc.